Extra Curricular Activities
In addition to the school curriculum, we aim to provide a range of extra-curricular clubs and activities. At present, these include: Paceball, Dodgeball and football clubs that run as either a breakfast club, lunchtime club and afterschool club. We also run a netball afterschool club throughout the year for Years 5 and 6.
During the year we aim to offer a variety of free after school clubs that are run by the local School Sports Partnership and these are funded by the School Sports funding. We also aim to participate in local activities and tournaments whenever the opportunity arises. As new clubs become available we contact parents/carers with full details at that time.
Our road safety and travel plan work is also an important part of our school, and we offer pedestrian skills training, scooter training as well as cycling proficiency courses, which are taken from Year 4.
A residential visit is undertaken by Year 6 pupils. This visit includes a variety of educational experiences including outdoor/adventurous activities which cannot be provided on-site.