Useful information on Bullying
National helplines
- ChildLine − Tel: 0800 11 11
- Kidscape − Tel: 0845 205 204 - Bullying counsellors
- Family Lives − Tel: 0808 800 2222 − Free confidential help for anyone looking after a child.
- Get Connected − Tel: 0808 8084994 − Free confidential helpline for young people.
- Samaritans − Tel: 08457 90 90 90 − Helpline for those in distress.
- Advisory Centre for Education − Tel: 0300 0115 142 − Advice line for parents on all matters concerning schools
Useful Websites: – UK online safety site of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre with lots of information and activities – UK site providing practical advice on how to protect yourself, your computers and mobiles device and your business against fraud, identity theft, viruses and many other problems encountered online. – a range of resources for primary and secondary schools, for children and young people, for teachers and for parents – a website that informs about the potential dangers online (including bullying), and advice on how to stay safe while chatting – an American online safety site with activities for children, young people, parents/carers and professionals – a website dedicated to mobile phone bullying, contains advice for young people including how to contact your operator – an American internet safety site with lots of information and activities - website that has been created to inform young people about the potential dangers and ways of keeping safe in interactive areas online, such as chatrooms, instant messenger, online games and email, and also via mobile phones